[development] E-Commerce - Call for Developers, testers etc

Robert Garrigós Castro robert at garrigos.org
Sat Jan 7 07:47:42 UTC 2006

Hi Gordon,

I've developed a few sites with 4.6 and E-Commerce so I feel quite 
confident with it. However my experience with the new 4.7 is still very 
little. I feel like I have to help to this port of e-commerce to 4.7 So 
I would like to try with the shipping.module first.

Robert Garrigos

Gordon Heydon wrote:

>Hi all,
>As a lot of people here know E-Commerce is a great set of modules and
>adds a lot of functionality to Drupal that a lot of web site use and
>love. A lot of high profile sites like goodstorm.com, and many others
>use E-Commerce.
>The unfortunate thing is that with the major changes to Drupals formapi,
>and many other changes the current CVS version of E-Commerce is not
>working. With the pending release of Drupal 4.7 we need to fix this
>problem. This is a large job and I really need help to get this done.
>I know that I have had kind offers from Bryght to use the svn servers to
>coordinate the development, but because of the type of system E-Commerce
>is I feel that the level of accountability needs to be higher. We need
>to be able to track every change back to the developer that made it. So
>making the changes in Bryghts svn server and coping the blob of changes
>to drupals contributions is not going to be acceptable.
>Since we have a code management system in Drupal (namely cvs) which
>works fine and most of the E-Commerce developers have contributions cvs
>write access, I am going to get everyone to commit changes directly into
>For developers without cvs access please email me the patch and I will
>commit them. 
>For testing I have built a web site http://ecommerce.heydon.com.au which
>is updated from cvs every 3 hours. so any testers can test the latest
>version of ecommerce, can create a login at the above site, and if you
>need administrator access, just email me, and I will give it too you. If
>the frequency needs to be increased I will increase it.
>I have started converting the store.module to 4.7, and if I can't find
>someone suitable to do the product module I will also be doing this.
>Other wise people can email me what they are going to be doing, so that
>I can coordinate it. I will also be trying to hang out in IRC a bit more
>so that I can be contacted easier.
>I would like people to work on the core modules first, but any help is
>Thanks for any help that people can give.

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