[development] Bug fixing stalled?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Mon Jan 9 12:45:42 UTC 2006

Op maandag 09 januari 2006 06:19, schreef Steve Dondley:
> > It would also be nice to have a status of "not-repeatable" since that
> > seems like a discrete problem different from the current status
> > values.  Or should those items just get turned into "support requests"
> > and moved out of the queue?

I mailed the development list about another important setting: "post 4.7". A 
lot of bugs are *real* bugs, but have been around for a long while, or are 
not critical for a release for 4.7 [1]. But *really are* bugs. 
Being able to "postpone them for after 4.7" might be a good idea. Using the 
postponed status is not an option, since we then use the "patch" etc status, 
as well as that there is no indication untill when its postponed. 

[1] http://drupal.org/node/40505

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