[development] Module to Track RSS Subscribers

Adam Knight codepoet at codepoetry.net
Mon Jan 16 20:25:36 UTC 2006

xstatistics appears to try this already in the summary report.

On Jan 16, 2006, at 1:04 PM, Nick Lewis wrote:

> Hi folks, I'm in the early stages of building a set of scripts that  
> parse out info about hits to a site's RSS feed. The goal is to  
> trasmogrify what is now only viewable as thousands of anonymous  
> hits to node/feed to a list of total hits to node/feed by ip  
> address. My hope is that this will be the foundation for a module/ 
> feature that gives me a ballpark idea of how many RSS subscribers I  
> actually have.
> Anyone working on something similar?
> Or should I consider building this as a new feature to submit for  
> review in the statistics.module?
> Finally, the statistics.module dropped a lot of functionality that  
> would have allowed this anyway after the port to 4.6 -- was there a  
> good reason for this?
> Best,
> Nick Lewis
> http://nicklewis.smartcampaigns.com

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