[development] Categorizing modules-demonstrating the value of the Drupal platform

Karthik narakasura at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 07:29:59 UTC 2006

On 24/01/06, Kieran Lal <kieran at civicspacelabs.org> wrote:
> Hi, software platforms like Drupal are often evaluated by the additional
> components they have.  Today Drupal's contributed modules are plentiful but
> the value of the modules is hard to discover because the modules are hard to
> understand.   This can be fixed in 3 ways.  First, we need to categorize
> modules so that they can be quickly discovered.  Second, we need to evaluate
> modules to rate their quality.  Third, we need to make it easier to
> understand contributed modules.

I think that the option of tagging modules under multiple
categories/parents will be an inevitable requirement..

A few doozies to kick things off:

-Filters - bbcode, codefilter etc.
-3rd party - Modules which interface with 3rd party software/websites.
Google Site map, Adsense, Amazon * etc.
-Enhancements - Modules that enhance the look or functionality of
existing modules.. Most of the filters will probably also belong here
along with stuff like Nice Menus etc.
-Administration - database administration etc.
-Security/Authentication/Access Control - spam, bad behaviour, ldap,
taxonomy_acess etc.
-Taxonomy - taxonomy related modules..

IMO there should not be more than say 10-15 primary categories and
they should be displayed (along with a brief one-line description)
without the need for any scrolling - perhaps in a two column layout.
Else the point of categorisation will be lost..


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