[development] Web Service auth in Core, timeline.

Benson Wong tummytech at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 19:45:40 UTC 2006

> (Nice meeting you again.)
Likewise. See you in Vancouver in Feb? :)

> We're currently in a feature freeze and therefore new functionality
> will have to wait for Drupal 4.8.

Shucks. I would like to revamp the web service system in
4.8/.9/whatever then. It seems strange to me to keep the xmlrpc.php
file around since everything else is dynamic. I would like to see a
layer that separates the web service protocol (XMLRPC, REST, SOAP,
etc) from the functionality.

I like how you can access flickr's api in a variety of different ways.
Would like to see that in Drupal as well.


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