[development] Taxonomy user experience work: screenshots, snippets, and sandbox taxonomy modules wanted for a Taxonomy Garden

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Thu Jan 26 21:41:11 UTC 2006

Hi, as part of improving  the Drupal administration user experience I  
conducted a micro survey about categorization user experience.

Value: Categorization is critical for organizing sites.
There are three main issues with categorization.

1) Managing categories: Creation, editing, updating categories
2) Organizing content with categories:  Assigning categories  
manually, automatically, with user participation
3) Using categories for navigation: Menus, blocks, content overviews  
by term, term presentation, term based styling

I have made a list of the 20 relevant contributed modules and  
snippets here: http://drupal.org/node/45992

If you have any snippets or sandbox taxonomy modules please let me  
know so that I can include them on this list and arrange for further  
collaborative development on them.

I am also looking for some volunteers to help install the 20 modules  
and take screen shots so we can create a Taxonomy Garden.

Any help would be appreciated.  Please contact me if you have  
feedback or can help.


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