[development] Remove PHP filter by default

Karoly Negyesi karoly at negyesi.net
Sun Jan 29 09:26:09 UTC 2006

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 10:15:38 +0100, John Handelaar <john at userfrenzy.com>  

> Karoly Negyesi wrote:
>> Also, defining a block is more difficult than just using a snippet. Is  
>> it?  No.
> Yes.
> Unless there's a TTW way to add modules.

Well, not through the web, but the point here is that I would like to  
tighten security and not allow PHP entered in the browser. If you want to  
enter PHP code, you save the snippet into an inc and upload it. For a  
page, you do not need to even enable anything. That's the closest I can  
get to TTW.



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