[development] Assigning user to roles programatically -- what finally worked

Rob Thorne rob at torenware.com
Sun Jan 29 22:39:55 UTC 2006

Much thanks to Adrian and Khalid for their help on this.

It turns out that both of you are right, but for different code paths in 
hook_user.  Here's what seems to work in 4.6:

    * On $op == 'update',  Adrian is correct:  the right way to do this
      is to stuff the rid into the $edit structure ($edit['roles'][] =
    * On $op == 'insert',  Adrian approach doesn't work, because
      user_save has already done everything it will ever do with the
      user_roles table.  So in that case, you need to do what Khalid
      suggests:  INSERT a row into the user_roles table.

Now that I'm doing both of these things, I'm getting correct behavior on 
both registration of new users and update of existing users.


Adrian Rossouw wrote:
> On 27 Jan 2006, at 4:14 AM, Rob Thorne wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to coerce Drupal 4.6 into doing this?  Or sweet 
>> talk it into this?  It would be nice if there was an API for this, 
>> but AFAIK there isn't.  What hook should I use, and which 2x4 do I 
>> need to apply?
> Just did this recently :
> ----- snip ---
> $user = user_load(array('uid' => $uid));
> $edit['roles'][] = _user_get_rid('administrator');
> user_save($user, $edit);
> ---- snip ---
> function _user_get_rid($name) {
>   return db_result(db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name ='%s' 
> limit 1", $name));
> }
> I needed to use the user api since I have more specific rules that I 
> check for.
> IE: you can be one of the following 3 roles, in a certain order of 
> preference, but never
> more than one.
> -- 
> Adrian Rossouw
> Drupal developer and Bryght Guy
> http://drupal.org | http://bryght.com

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