[development] help w/ testing our new trashbin feature

Arnab Nandi arnabdotorg at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 05:41:36 UTC 2006

1)  create blog entry: works
2) delete entry: no confirmation, straight to trash. nice. saves time.
3) recover from trash via the message box that says it's been deleted:
4) Go to trash, then recover: works.

Questions: are there enough hooks for things like url aliases ?
(delete node = delete alias; recover node = recover alias?)


On 1/29/06, Chad Phillips - Apartment Lines <chad at apartmentlines.com> wrote:
> hello all,
> i've been hard at work getting drupal's new trashbin feature
> finished, and i'm very close!  at this point i could use some testing
> help.  i've got a test install that i'll be keeping up to date with
> the latest fixes.  this is a clean HEAD install with my trashbin
> patch applied.  login info and testing instructions are on the homepage:
> http://www.computermercenary.com/bzr/undo/
> any help would be greatly appreciated!
> chad


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