[development] Front page module - The way it should be.[tm]

Nick Lewis nick at smartcampaigns.com
Tue Jan 31 14:26:00 UTC 2006

Bèr Kessels wrote:

>Actually, I do not want to spoil your day, but dashboard module is the future. 
>Let frontpage module die. It has served its time, we now have something FAR 
>better. :)
Roger that. Dashboard+Views+Insert Views+Node Queue = Greatest 
acheivement in all of human history. Er, actually that's an 
exaggeration, but at the very least try the combo on 4.7 and you'll end 
up saying to yourself "my god, what a kick ass alternative the frontpage 
module, or custom coding!"

Besides, I think a frontpage is too complex and diverse of a requirement 
to effectively tackle with one standalone module. Better to combine lots 
of simple THEREFORE easy to maintain-and-evolve modules, than attempt to 
create a bloateriffic one-shot-5-kills module. Of course, like 
socialism, that's a good idea that shouldn't be taken to ridiculous 
extremes as observed with one ::cough:: enewsletter module.

Nick Lewis

>Op dinsdag 31 januari 2006 02:45, schreef Trae McCombs:
>>Sorry, I'm a bad boy... I created an issue.
>>Earl Miles wrote:
>>>Trae McCombs wrote:
>>>>Hey peeps,
>>>>Since Gerhard was thinking the module isn't maintained, I thought I'd
>>>>stick a comment here on the list.
>>>>Currently, when you install the front page module, you have to go and
>>>>admin > settings > "node" to "front_page" if you want your stuff to
>>>>show up.
>>>>To us "dorky end users", this is quite confusing.  I would suggest
>>>>that there is something inside the: admin > settings > front_page area
>>>>that says:
>>>>[x] Enable this option site wide.
>>>>Help text: *** Warning, if you enable this, when people visit:
>>>>your_drupal_site.com they will see what you have put here on this
>>>>front page form.  To change this action back, simply disable this
>>>>--- This would then actually go set node to be front_page --
>>>>What do you guys(gals) think?
>>>Easy to do, the option is just set via variable. You can even be smart
>>>on the form and look at the variable, and put up text saying "front_page
>>>isn't currently set as your default front page" like web browsers do,
>>>and not show the checkbox at all (or even a nice happy "front_page is
>>>set as your front page!") message.

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