[development] Drupal's database interaction

AjK drupal at f2s.com
Sun Jul 9 00:07:33 UTC 2006

> I did some experiments that can help us understand and improve Drupal's
database interaction:
>  http://buytaert.net/drupal-database-interaction
> From the looks, there is some stuff that can be optimised. :)
> --
> Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

Taking up the challenge, I've made a start on looking at optimisation.

For those interested in this subject please look at my first "report"
at http://spiders-lair.com/node/23  (is there a better place for me to
post articles like this?)

I'd rather get feedback from those "in the know" before I start going down
a complex road that may be just a waste of time.

Also, on a more conventional note, I'm starting to look for SQL
within "core". My first possibility is posted on this issue:-


Expect more :)

I'd appreciate it if any "follow ups" to these were done either on the issue
or in response to my article via this list as opposed to leaving comments
(your are welcome to post comments though but I think a better place is
for articles like this).

best regards,
--AjK (Andy) http://drupal.org/user/39030

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