[development] Extend database abstraction layer, to include table creation.

Frando (Franz Heinzmann) frando at xcite-online.de
Sun Jul 9 17:13:31 UTC 2006

I just wanted to put some attention to this old issue.

Especially for the install (and update) system, I still think that a
transition from direct SQL queries to drupal wrapper functions would be
a great advantage, as it would increase database system independence a lot.

My patch on http://drupal.org/node/63049 is a working implentation of
the proposed functions in mysql. It mainly needs some reviews and 
discussion. If inclusion into core is being considered, we would of 
course also need a pqsql version. For some pgsql crack, this should be 
simple enough to write as he just had to modify the mysql version to fit 
the postgres sql syntax.


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