[development] Created vs modified

Darrel O'Pry dopry at thing.net
Thu Jul 13 18:07:52 UTC 2006

It doesn't sound like a bad extension to the existing node revision
system. It would probably be useful to a lot of people, having an audit
trail with revisions... 

On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 10:32 -0400, Earl Dunovant wrote:
> Even the "reason" field already exists in the node_revisions
> table...it's called 'log'.
> On 7/13/06, Gabor Hojtsy <gabor at hojtsy.hu> wrote:
>         On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Walt Daniels wrote: 
>         > Ok, I will try to do that but I have never written a module
>         so it is not 
>         > going to be as easy as you make it sound. It looks like I
>         could also add a
>         > reason field to the table and let the changer explain what
>         they did, but
>         > that would need something more complicated to keep track of
>         the history of 
>         > changes, rather than just the last change.
>         >
>         > It all sounds like something someone has already done. For
>         example how do
>         > wikis keep track of what happens?
>         Yes, this inded sounds like something already done. The
>         revision system 
>         keeps track of previous versions. Just not the user who
>         changed something.
>         Gabor

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