[development] Building $node->body with arrays like FAPI for viewing

Moshe Weitzman weitzman at tejasa.com
Fri Jul 14 17:12:56 UTC 2006

> Maybe there is a module_setting to put it on TOP of the body or on the 
> BOTTOM.  But most modules just append.  When displaying the node, all of 
> that comes into $content in node.tpl.php.  So if you want to configure 
> that, you have to redo the whole body yourself.  Then, if you install 
> another module that adds to the node body through hook_nodeapi you have 
> to go manually add that to your node.tpl.php for each one.
> If we constructed it like FAPI, with weights, etc.  We could allow 
> modifications of that right before calling render_body($node) or 
> whatever. So hook_nodeapi('view') could do something like

i think most people agree that the fapi array model should extend beyond 
forms to viewing as well. i don't think we have much idea yet for how to do 
this though. there are many more examples beyond $node render, so lets be 
broad in our thinking.

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