[development] Object caching

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Mon Jul 17 02:27:34 UTC 2006

On Jul 16, 2006, at 4:51 PM, Moshe Weitzman wrote:

>> There was interest in having it and then it seems the feeling was  
>> it's complex.  the Caching API allows modules to implement a  
>> cache.  However, the real benefit of file based caching is 1) Use  
>> lightweight webservers threads to serve files 2) Don't need to  
>> bootstrap Drupal 3) Don't need an expensive MySQL thread.
>> Keep asking for it and it's more likely to get in since the code  
>> is available to be patched against head.
> the consensus was that we would make core flexible enough such that  
> this functionality can grow in Contrib for a while. At this point,  
> I think effort is best expended in changing this code from a patch  
> and into a Contrib cache.inc.

I don't understand how you can have a contributed alternate  
bootstrap?  If cache.inc would allow for avoiding avoid the Drupal  
bootstrap I'd be interested.



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