[development] displaying phptemplate hooks as HTML to assist theme design

Farsheed tfarsheed at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 27 16:57:44 UTC 2006


I am interested in developing a diagnostic theme or
method to display phptemplate hooks called in a CSS
hover over that element.  So when you hover over the
breadcrumb HTML output on your website it displays: 

phptemplate: theme_breadcrumb() called

in a CSS hover.

and that way the designer knows if he/she wants to
modify the breadcrumb they will have to look at the
$breadcrumb variable or override theme_breadcrumb.

It's kind of like how devel.module helps write
modules, except for themes.  So far the only idea I
have is to intercept _phptemplate_callback [1] but
wondering if anybody has any better methods.



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