[development] LinksDB vs. Links

Matthew Jenkins mattj at inty.net
Mon Jul 31 08:14:52 UTC 2006

On 28 Jul 2006, at 20:29, Syscrusher wrote:

> On Friday 28 July 2006 10:40, Matthew Jenkins wrote:
>> and there's nothing wrong with a little diversity - different ways of
>> looking at the same problems, etc...
> For the record, I have absolutely no problem with others building  
> whatever
> link-handling modules they wish, using or not using my API as they  
> prefer. I'm
> a firm believer in the Open Source philosophy of letting the user  
> community
> filter for the best code by voting with their feet. I created Links to  
> scratch
> my own itch, because there was nothing else that did exactly what I  
> wanted, and
> am sharing it with anyone else who can use it. There's no reason why  
> we have to
> have just one links solution, any more than there is any reason why we  
> can only
> have one theme engine or one photo album manager.

That's exactly why I created LinksDB as well.  To 'scratch my own itch'  
as you put it.  I create dthe module originally for me, and so as not  
to be selfish I allowed the rest of the community to benefit from it as  
they wish.  They don't have to if they don't want to, but some have, so  
that makes me glad I did release it.

> The main philosophy behind Links is to have each unique URL stored  
> only *once*
> in the system, and therefore dead links detection and related admin  
> functions
> only have to visit each unique URL *once* per iteration. Point  
> solutions are
> leaner and cleaner if you only need to use URLs in one way on your  
> site (e.g.,
> just a Yahoo-like directory and nothing else). Links API is built to  
> handle the
> larger-scale situation, and there may indeed be a case to be made for  
> a point
> solution for the entry-level user who just wants a place to put links  
> and
> doesn't need to have a scalable management backend for them later. :-)

The main philosophy behind LinksDB is to have a simple out-of-the-box  
links database which a newcommer to Drupal can turn on and fill in a  
few boxes to get going.  I imagine your Links solution would appeal  
more to the advanced user who is looking for a more customisable  
experience.  LinksDB doesn't do that - it has one look and feel with a  
couple of bells and whistles you can turn on and off and that's about  

> Different strokes for different folks, and all that. Maybe when Links  
> and
> LinksDB are both done (I don't know the release status of the latter)  
> we can
> collaborate on a point-by-point feature comparison to help admins  
> choose the
> right one for their site.

Sure thing.  LinksDB is 'done' but is always getting enhancement  
requests that I'm more than happy to accommodate.

> Scott (Syscrusher)

Matt (Flibs)

> --  
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --------
> Syscrusher (Scott Courtney)          Drupal page:    
> http://drupal.org/user/9184
> syscrusher at 4th dot com            Home page:     http://4th.com/
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