[development] User registration without email

Robert Wohleb rob at techsanctuary.com
Tue Jun 6 19:11:09 UTC 2006

The validate function checks for a valid email addy. As Marc pointed
out, I suppose this should get rolled in to the logintoboggan module.


Derek Wright wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2006, at 11:47 AM, Robert Wohleb wrote:
>> Agreed, just setting the email field to a dummy value and hidden causes
>> a few problems.
> in http://drupal.org/node/64221, i had good luck in form_alter() using
> a more drastic approach: unset(). ;)
> of course, you'd have to make sure the validate() and submit() hooks
> don't do something catastrophic if some form element they were
> expecting is totally gone...
> but, it worked for me in project.  might work for you, too...
> -derek (dww)

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