[development] Install profiles tutorial for Drupal 4.7, Friday 8AM PST

Adrian Rossouw adrian at bryght.com
Sat Jun 10 17:04:56 UTC 2006

On 10 Jun 2006, at 3:53 PM, Karoly Negyesi wrote :
> Gordon Heydon has written a nice script for that. http://drupal.org/ 
> node/59863
 From the perspective of multi-site drupal installs, I think we  
should seriously look at making
install.php and update.php shell runable.

After updating the source, being able to do :
for i in `ls -1 sites/*`;
     php update.php --site $i --upgrade;

To upgrade the schema of all your sites, versus having to go and  
update every one
by hand, is an important distinction.

Additionally, install.php can be built to accept the form fields from  
the command line
install.php --site www.domain.com --db_type='mysql' -- 
db_name='something' --db_username='root' --prefix='prefix_'

Adrian Rossouw
Drupal developer and Bryght Guy
http://drupal.org | http://bryght.com

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