[development] Separating configuration vs data tables

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sun Jun 11 08:33:59 UTC 2006

Op zaterdag 10 juni 2006 00:18, schreef Dries Buytaert:
> What is inconsistent?
node_load($uid)  vs user_load(array('uid' => $uid)) 
  :: parameters of various load/save/update are very incosistent. Some eat 
objects, other only certain arrays, again others dont eat anything, but grab 
it from the form api. 

taxonomy_get_term() vs foo_load 
 :: naming of apis. 

And a lot more small, details.

> And why can't it be made consistent instead?

It can. It will. Given time. Categories module is one of the ways to get this.

But its not a real problem. It just needs work and code, not even a lot of 
talk and reviews, I think. Though Drupal itself does not need this, It works 
fine as it it, IMO, which is why no-one has not sat down for this, I think. 
Its just the odd project like these fixtures that require consistent apis. 
(Well, my brain would not mind either :) )

| Bèr Kessels | webschuur.com | website development |
| Jabber & Google Talk: ber at jabber.webschuur.com
| http://bler.webschuur.com | http://www.webschuur.com |

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