[development] 4.7 drupal.module backport to 4.6

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Sun Jun 25 18:07:11 UTC 2006

On Jun 25, 2006, at 9:56 AM, David Reed wrote:

> I'm about to try to back port the 4.7 durpal.module to 4.7.  Other  
> than the normal issues like the forms api is there any reason that  
> anyone would think this may not work so well?
> Also,  Is anyone aware of anyone else that's done this yet.  Other  
> than getting the couple new 4.7 feature back to 4.6 I'm also going  
> to try to get the distributed authentication to work across the  
> version.

Be sure to use the start with the back-port module to see if that helps.



> Thanks

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