[development] The scripts/ directory

Khalid B kb at 2bits.com
Sun Mar 5 19:40:28 UTC 2006

This is another case that can be solved by reorganizing the directory
structure. If scripts are outside DocumentRoot, and under a devel
directory, then there are no issues.

Here are links to previous discussions

The same cause for CHANGELOG.txt, update.php, and many
other  things.

On 3/5/06, Gabor Hojtsy <gabor at hojtsy.hu> wrote:
> +1, but I thought this was already discussed and decided :)
> Goba
> Bèr Kessels wrote:
> > Op zondag 5 maart 2006 19:54, schreef Morbus Iff:
> >
> >>Because there is little harm in doing so - the
> >>.htaccess file prevents remote access to them.
> >
> >
> > I can think of a gazillion things that we could ship and prevent access to
> > with .htaccess :) The fact that we can hide it, is not the reason for
> > shipping them.
> >
> > In the past, Drupal was very developers aimed. Simply bacause all users were
> > developers. At that time it was usefull to ship with some handy developers
> > tools.
> >
> > Now that we have better tools available, and more diverse, the only reason,
> > AFAIK is because no-one stood up and really made an effort for removing them.
> > Its far easier to simply whip with themp, then to go trough all the hassle of
> > getting them out. So, I would say, its mostly 'lack of interestest' (call it
> > lack of itch) that is reason for keeping them there.
> >
> > And also: everyone who can use these tools, can find them in contrib too,
> > people being able to run a code style script (let alone know the meaning/use
> > of it) know how to find Cool Stuff in contribs etc.
> >
> > Bèr

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