[development] Default Theme for Drupal 4.8

Robert Douglass rob at robshouse.net
Wed Mar 8 09:08:30 UTC 2006

Nick Lewis wrote:
>  I figure some contribution is better than no contribution.  I'm 
> very interested in having my efforts pay off for drupal as a whole. 
> That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Nick, just wanted to say that your blog alone is a great contribution to 
Drupal. Keep up the great work! You're likely in for a long ride with 
your goal of making the ultra 4.8 theme; I know of one guy in South 
Africa who has mega plans for changing the way themes are done 
altogether, so make sure and stay in touch with him (Adrian). Follow 
Bèr's work on the area, too.


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