[development] JS gurus: please help me check checkboxes with a checkbox ; )

Bertrand Mansion bmansion at mamasam.com
Mon Mar 27 10:32:56 UTC 2006

Angie Byron wrote:

>I was feeling all crappy all weekend so I took the opportunity to make some
>headway on Module Builder module. For those who don't know/remember, this is
>like a web-based script for auto-generating module source code. You check off
>the hooks you want to use, and it auto-generates some skeleton code for you so
>you don't have to go and look up function declarations. See
>http://drupal.org/node/55011 for more info.
>The next big thing I'd like to do is allow for the definition of "groups" of
>hooks. Check here for a nice, pretty mock-up that Jeff Robbins put together:
>So when I check "custom node type," the script should automatically go and
>off hook_node_info, hook_insert, hook_update, hook_load, etc.
>Could someone show me a _BASIC_ example of how to do something like this, with
>just static HTML checkboxes and an onclick handler on one of them? I've had a
>really hard time trying to narrow down search terms for an example; most of the
>JS checkbox examples I've found seem to be written at the "Duh. What is a
>checkbox?" level. :\

Here might be a useful example:

Here are my search results:

Good luck,

Bertrand Mansion
http://www.mamasam.com      - creative internet solutions
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