[development] Formapi formalter

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Tue Mar 28 16:02:38 UTC 2006

Op donderdag 23 maart 2006 10:43, schreef Karoly Negyesi:
> Ber,
> Form alter does work for node submission forms. Upload, taxonomy, path and
> many others use that. Showing code maybe would let us help you by
> debugging what are you doing wrong...
> Maybe you want to use module weighting so that you come after taxonomy
> module?

Two things: 

In order to do *full* field weighting you need to pull apart the taxonomy 

  surname [    ] 
  firstname[    ]
  business[     v] (taxonomy form 1)
  foo         [      ]
  bar         [       ]
  location  [             o]  (taxonomy freetagging form 2)


That seems impossibe right now. Because, when your formalter pulls the form 
apart, to uild a new one from it, taxonomy.module fails to find the data. 
Taxonomy *needs* the full tree, so it seems.

Is it a "bug" in taxonomy.module, a formapi feature I am missing, or something 

Second: the code is here: http://drupal.pastebin.com/627015

 [ Bèr Kessels | Drupal services www.webschuur.com ]

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