[development] File caching patch for Drupal 4.6 and 4.7

Neil Drumm drumm at delocalizedham.com
Tue May 2 09:53:20 UTC 2006

Kieran Lal wrote:
> Hello, we have updated the file caching patches for 4.6 and 4.7.   This 
> work was funded by http://goodstorm.com and http://ondemand- 
> network.com.  It was developed by Jeremy Andrews for CivicSpace.
> File caching for Drupal 4.6 http://drupal.org/node/61227
> File caching for Drupal 4.7 http://drupal.org/node/45414
> We will try to get this in Drupal 4.8 now that it has opened up.   
> Please test and respond to the appropriate issues.

In my experience, a Squid proxy is used to do caching at this level. My 
understanding is that it avoids loading Apache, PHP, and MySQL when not 
necessary. How is this better?

This is approximately the same level of caching as Drupal's existing 
page cache, but anonymous pages are retrieved from the filesystem (still 
by PHP) rather than MySQL. This makes me wonder if we should have an API 
for retrieval from whatever bit storage technology a sysadmin thinks is 
best. Just an idea, this shouldn't hold up this particular patch.

Looks like there is some decent support but not as much 
(non-paid-CivicSpace) testing.

Neil Drumm

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