[development] For 4.8 inclusion

Gerhard Killesreiter gerhard at killesreiter.de
Tue May 2 22:55:55 UTC 2006

Earl Miles wrote:
> Neil (and everybody who has an interest) --
> I'd like to submit the na_arbitrator package, or at least the core of 
> it, for merging into core. I don't think what I have is a good final 
> solution, but it is a good next step in making Drupal's node_access 
> behave more reliably.

Can you explain what it does?

> And with that, I would then like to consider integrating the 
> forum_access code directly into the forum module, which would make a 
> lot of people very happy, though I'm on the fence as to whether it 
> should actually be done.

Not really good advertisement. :p


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