[development] Move all core modules into their own directories.

Khalid B kb at 2bits.com
Sat May 6 03:20:34 UTC 2006

On 5/4/06, Robert Douglass <r.douglass at onlinehome.de> wrote:
> Neil Drumm wrote:
> > I would actually be okay with removing the whole engine system and
> > simply doing PHPTemplate only. Sure theme engines are a nice feature,
> > but how many are maintained and what % of themes are PHPTemplate?
> I don't use anything but PHPTemplate

Me too.

> but I think that we want to keep the engine system.

Adrian and others mentioned Smarty, which is widely used
outside Drupal, and PHPTal (which is more secure  than

Seems like choice is good, and let the market decide  ...

> Why don't we just leave the theme_ function inclusion
> mechanism to the engine? PHPTemplate will require separate files, and
> other engines can do what they please.

We can have each module put its theme_foo_bar() functions in a file
called foo.theme in the modules/foo directory. Then, in phptemplate
we can include the .theme file and other engines can do their thing.

Having a separate file (whatever it is named) is good, since we
separate presentation (.theme) from logic (.module).

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