[development] Extend database abstraction layer, to include table creation.

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Fri May 12 22:17:08 UTC 2006

Op vrijdag 12 mei 2006 18:00, schreef Dries Buytaert:
> I, for one, find it much easier to read an SQL statement than some  
> (new) Drupal-specific table definition.  I don't want to learn or use  
> a such definition language.  Such functions make the database scheme  
> less transparent.

The agility! wonderfull ;)

Serious: What Drupal needs above all, is not some "Higher Language To Talk To 
Lower Languages", but a way to make stuff easier.

IMveryHO forms api surpassed its goal in this: What is easier: calling 
form_weight() or building an object-from-drupal-specific-arrays? Point is 

If we go for some DB abstraction layer, we should really, IMnsHO look at 
Active Record (PHP stuff at 
http://phplens.com/phpeverywhere/?q=node/view/228), wich does not take SQL 
away from developers but makes it easier to use. A Big Difference, IMO.

Whether we go for AR itself or some AR library, the central point should IMO 
be: "make it easier for developers to build sites". 

Wich is far from "make a system in such a way that developers are pushed to 
build technical better system". Drupal, IMO is walking slowly towards the 
latter the way its going now. A pity, because it does not make things better. 
Only "technical better".


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