[development] RFC: Candidate 'premium' modules

John Handelaar john at userfrenzy.com
Wed May 17 02:58:53 UTC 2006

Earl Dunovant wrote:
> On 5/16/06, *Boris Mann* <boris at bryght.com <mailto:boris at bryght.com>> wrote:
>      > trackback
>     -1. Can we say spam? 
> Truly. If I turn trackbacks on, I get 5 or so in an hour, 50 or so in a 
> day. Not the module's fault, but it's exactly as useful as an open mail 
> relay.

Not core, I agree, but that's really the least
of my issues with trackback.  IMHO trackbacks are
comments and should be stored accordingly, for

Which reminds me, I've been meaning to get a module
for Akismet together for weeks now.

John Handelaar

E  john at handelaar.org    T +353 21 427 9033
M  +353 85 748 3790    http://handelaar.org
Work in progress: http://dev.vocalvoter.com

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