[development] Download stats for October

Gary Feldman dpal_gaf_devel at marsdome.com
Wed Nov 15 23:08:44 UTC 2006

Greg Knaddison - GVS wrote:
> ...
> +++Downloads by tag:
> 4.7    439049
> cvs    27294
> 4.6    11190
> 4.5    234
> 5.0    46
> To me this indicates that module/theme maintainers need to do a better
> job of branching their modules especially when combined with the
> following chunk:
I don't follow this.  Is the reasoning that 11190 downloads for 4.6 is 
high, suggesting that people have to use 4.6 modules for 4.7 
installations?  There were nearly 2000 downloads of the drupal-4.6 tar 
file, so the ratios don't support this (439049 is roughly 20 times the 
number of 4.7.3 downloads, while 11190 is only 5 times the number of 
drupal-4.6 downloads).  I'm not sure this reasoning has any validity, so 
I'd like to know more about your conclusion.


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