[development] Database Administrator

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Thu Nov 16 19:51:55 UTC 2006

On Nov 16, 2006, at 7:59 AM, Omar Abdel-Wahab wrote:

> 1. I won't release until I get a reply from Jeremy.

i'm co-maintaining dba.module.  sadly, i've been way too busy working  
on the release system to give it any love in many months.

> 2. I have some features like:
>  -- scheduled backups

dba does this.  it also has a nice feature i added to let you exclude  
certain tables, so you don't dumb the cache, search index, watchdog,  
etc into your backups if you don't want them (it exports the table  
definition, just not the data, so you can still load these backups  
into a new DB and have a working system).

>  -- you can define multiple backup locations like:
>  	-- have them sent to your e-mail

dba does this.

>  	-- mirror your db to another mysql server to a specific db or
> 		create a new db for every backup

this would be new.

> 	-- stored on remote FTP
> 	-- a folder under files/ in your drupal

evil security hole unless you lock down this directory  
via .htaccess.  dba does allow you to store to a local directory of  
your choice, and encourages you to do it *NOT* under /drupal. ;)

>  -- you can have the module trying all possible locations until  
> successful
> 	or have it sending the backup to all locations

would be new.

>  -- you can maintain a certain count of backups

would be new.

> and I donno whether database admin module is offering those features.

now you know. ;)

ultimately, no one can stop you, but i'd be *VERY* opposed to adding  
a different module for scheduled backups.  dba.module does *so* much  
more than just the backups, and should be The One True(tm) solution  
for all such things in Drupal.  the HEAD version kinda works in 4.7.x  
right now, so you can poke around with it and see what's possible,  
even if not everything works properly. ;)

there are already a handful of issues in the dba queue for porting to  
4.7.  jeremy basically halted all work on this module, i've been too  
busy working on the release system, and no one else has stepped up.

i'd *LOVE* it if you took up the torch on this, and started to:

a) submitted patches for those 4.7.x porting issues so we can add a  
DRUPAL-4-7 branch
b) rolled your new functionality into patches so we can make a  
DRUPAL-4-7--2 branch
c) began submitting patches for porting to 5.x.

if you do, i promise i'll be ultra responsive with reviews, commits,  
and when appropriate, branches and releases.  i might even be able to  
do some of the work myself, depending on whatever else comes up in  
the next few weeks.


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