[development] Is emailpage abandoned [not any more!]

Eric Goldhagen eric at openflows.org
Thu Nov 16 22:18:51 UTC 2006

At 4:57 PM -0500 11/16/06, Darren Oh wrote:
>The Forward project has been active for over a year. They have 
>excellent support for upgrading from emailpage.  So emailpage is 
>ready to retire. I have cleared out the issue queue and applied 
>patches for the 4.7 and 4.6 branches. The project description now 
>advises users to upgrade to Forward.

Since emailpage will be going away, might it be a wise idea to change 
the name of forward to emailpage or email_node? Emailpage just seems 
like so much more intuitive a name for this functionality. forward as 
a module name does not imply the ability to email a page from a site. 
Without reading the full description of the module, will people think 
of using it for that based on a quick read of the module list.

just a thought.

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