[development] descrptive initial commit message, please

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Fri Nov 17 01:14:07 UTC 2006

On Nov 16, 2006, at 3:53 PM, Darrel O'Pry wrote:

> so i'd look around line 625 of cvs.module of I wanted to add a %uid or
> %username?

sort of.  you've got the right function but the wrong branch. ;)
drupal.org is running DRUPAL-4-7--2 branch of cvs.module and  

so, yeah:

function theme_cvs_commit_message($commit) {

but that should be around line 1018 of the copy of cvs.module you're  
looking at, or you're patching the wrong version. ;)


p.s. there's an issue for this already.  please search for it before  
you create a new one (i'd find it for you, but i have to run...)

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