[development] install should optionally create the database

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Thu Oct 12 21:39:14 UTC 2006

On 10/12/06, John Cox <john.cox at wyome.com> wrote:
> On 10/12/06, Laura Scott <laura at pingv.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I've installed various website systems (BBS, blogs, CMSs) over the
> > years, and while a lot of them have been easier than installing
> > Drupal, none that I recall had an on-screen database creation
> > feature.
> Xaraya does;)

There are actually lots, so let's not go down this route. I suspect
that having security as a priority goal would narrow the list down
considerably. e.g. SugarCRM has the *option* to put in a user/pass
with create rights.

As others have said, this is not something that is going to get in for
5.0, so it's a long way away AND nothing that debate alone is going to
help get in.

Let's remember as well that many of these threads are started by
relative newcomers who often times don't look at the past or are
unaware of it (Kieran's posting / info about CS is one example).

Getting dragged into these long mudpits of discussion threads isn't useful.

Let's try and give useful pointers to why or why not that decision was
made, mention that it a) should be in the issue tracker and b) isn't
going to get into core until the 6.0 branch.

--  Boris Mann

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