[development] hooks after hook_menu CALLBACKS called, but before page rendered

_craig drupal-list at 2craig.com
Wed Oct 18 16:52:39 UTC 2006

Thanks Moshe, Your response made me realize I made a subtle, but key
omission in my original question.  

Instead of this:
> How can I have a function in my module execute after any other hook_menu's
have been executed?

I should have said this:
> How can I have a function in my module execute after any other hook_menu
** CALLBACKS ** have been executed?

Also, keep in mind I need my function to be called after callbacks, but
BEFORE the page is rendered in the theme (which is why I believe hook_footer
doesn't work for me).

-----Original Message-----
From: development-bounces at drupal.org [mailto:development-bounces at drupal.org]
On Behalf Of Moshe Weitzman
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:38 AM
To: development at drupal.org
Subject: Re: [development] hooks after hook_menu is called, but before page

_craig wrote:
> I'm in the process of updating taxonomy_breadcrumb to work with 5.0 
> and as part of the upgrade I'm making a few improvements to the 
> module.  I want to have an opportunity to change the breadcrumb trail 
> after hook_menu has been called, but before the page is rendered in 
> the theme.  I'm not able to find any way to do this.  Any suggestions?
> It seems as if I need a hook added right at the end of
> menu_execute_active_handler() in menu.inc, after call_user_func_array 
> (but before returning).  Am I missing something?  How can I have a 
> function in my module execute after any other hook_menu's have been

one way to do that is to adjust the weight for your module. set it to a high
number to be last. see the system table for that. this is usually set by the
module author in .install file

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