[development] Three patches to review

Karoly Negyesi karoly at negyesi.net
Sat Oct 21 16:08:00 UTC 2006

Kieran tells me that I should give you guys a measure how far we are from  
beta and also show the three most important patches. I will. Given the  
speed of testers, lots of emails like this will follow.

First of all, we are very close to beta. We only have four critical  
patches that require community attention (and jQuery 1.0.3 which does  
not). (Of course, the more bugs are fixed before beta, the better.)

Three of the mentioned patches need a review:

http://drupal.org/node/90128  this needs to be tested on pgsql, on mysql  
which is older than 5.0.13 and then on a mysql which is at least 5.0.13.

http://drupal.org/node/90509  this needs to be tested on a 4.7 system  
which is upgraded. Set minimal words for lots of node types in your 4.7  
install, are they preserved during the update?

http://drupal.org/node/88287  put modules in sites/all and add them to  
profiles/default/default.profile for testing.

This is the three at the moment.

I will post the next three when these three are addressed. There are  
less than a hundred to choose from, and I guess about 40-50 will need real  
reviews, others are too old and the bug or even the place where the bug  
appeared does not exist any more.

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