[development] New Themes for New Drupal

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Fri Sep 1 09:20:56 UTC 2006

Op donderdag 31 augustus 2006 19:13, schreef blogdiva at culturekitchen.com:
> I agree completely, although I honestly never thought of this  
> discussion about being either/or, but now that I go back on the  
> thread, I have to agree. The ditro should have several choices; two  
> of them being (1) liquid and (2) fixed-width versions of the same theme.

No matter how *cool* and smoozy looking a fixed width can be (lets leave 
personal preferences out for a minute) it is simply *not* possible in Drupal 
right now. 

Drupal cannot have a fixed width theme, build from CSS (CSS  without severe 
hacks), and still stand up to the admin-area-lakmoes-proof. 

Point me to one single fixed with theme that *works* in Drupals backend, on 
its node-submission forms (don't forget that you cannot swicth to an admin 
theme for stuff such as "edit your forum entry"). I am /not/ pleading for an 
admin-theme, because that is only a partly solution to a problem I am trying 
to describe. With "not breaking" I also don't mean "on my site / my 
configuration" or even "on my screen". I mean something that widthstands 
views tables, accesslog tables, wide forms, floating forms, collapsible 
fieldsets, lots-of-tabs, etceteras.

Really, if someone can point to a fixed width theme that does not break in the 
admin parts, the (eventhough the exeption is proof for the rule as we say in 
Dutch), then we could investigate if we want fixed with themes in Drupal's 
core. Else we have a long way to go, and first should fix up Drupal to 
support fixed w. themes better!

Right now the discussion is: We want some themes that cannot work in Drupal in 
core. Wich is a none-discussion if we don't figure out the first issue 

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