[development] node type without a title?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Thu Sep 7 16:11:31 UTC 2006

Op donderdag 7 september 2006 17:51, schreef Walt Daniels:
> One of my concerns for title is what gets put in the <title>my
> title</title> html on a page as that heavily influences how search engines
> index the page. People who care about their search engine ranking need
> control over what gets put there.

Wich is what I wrote at:

> [mailto:development-bounces at drupal.org] On Behalf Of Bèr Kessels
> 3 A subject: To show a boldfaced/strong "title" above an article.

SEO is just one of the many reasons why one may not want to have the title 
hardwired into Drupal. Usability is another one, flexibility is the (IMO) 
most important one. As long a node === title+teaser+body (story) it is fine 
to have it harcoded. But the moment one uses nodes for other things, images, 
events, profiles, business-listings, PHP pages, organic-groups, dashboards, 
404 placeholders, etceteras etceterars, titles need to be optional, flexible, 
and cut loose from the data-structure. 

Example: an organic group does not have a title, it has a "name". a 
directory-entry does not have a "title", it has a "company-name", and more of 
such things. the deeper you dig, the more examples you find where not only 
the name of the entity (title) is wrong, but where maybe the title has no 
input (form equivalent) and is generated from metadata (wordpress alike: use 
the entry date as title), or where the title is generated from a pattern 
(%type: entry #%number, by %uname). etc.

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