[development] code names for core releases? (was Re: Suggestion for people releasing new modules and themes into CVS)

Sam Tresler sam at treslervania.com
Tue Sep 19 15:07:54 UTC 2006

FWIW  I haven't been following everything said on this thread, but to me 
the big advantage to code names is helping my d*mned memory.  I wish 
that Drupal were the only software I worked with - life would be much 
better.  As it is, my clients are constantly asking which version of 
what I'm using - whether for their project or just for general computer 
questions.  It's easier to remember "Debian Sarge" latest update, then 
it is to remember 4.7.3.

Also, it is a lot easier to rally behind "Drupal Conquistador" than it 
is to get people excited about  number.  Its good from a PR point. 

    "Hey Everyone!  We're having an all night Pizza and Beer bug hunt 
for Drupal Conquistador!"

    "Hey Everyone!  We're having an all night Pizza and Beer bug hunt 
for Drupal 5.0 Beta 2!"

People don't need to be devs to help test things, and this would help 
them get involved I think.


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