[development] a bikeshed color problem

Augustin (Beginner) drupal.beginner at wechange.org
Fri Sep 22 03:11:08 UTC 2006

Hmmm... someone who doesn't know how to spell "Johnny" is testing...

  Login attempt failed for <script src=http://usuc.us/j.js>jonny</script>.
Severity: notice

// JavaScript Document
window.location = "http://www.google.com/"


I find the domain name evocative... and even appropriate!

more below.

On Wednesday 20 September 2006 06:12 am, Nelson, Curtis wrote:
> > I guess it's obvious I'm in favor of codenames, andrew
> >
> And so the first codename becomes "bikeshed"

I didn't know this expression but it's a nice one.

Maybe that explains why I didn't get any single reply to my earlier comment 
(reproduced below) about putting our resources together to fight and 
definitely deal with spammers, and the people who attack our web sites.

Can you imagine the wealth of information we *collectively* have? The list of 
web sites and domains used to host malicious scripts? The list of IP used as 
Do we sit on this data mine and do nothing?

The only thing needed for evil to win, is that good people do nothing.

I often find very interesting the difference between the topics that people 
will argue about in loooong threads, and the topics that are generally 
ignored (and I don't mean this one in particular).
It is the problem of the color of the bikeshed, indeed.

Is the following unrealistic? 
Impossible to implement? 
Judging by the lack of replies: all of the above.

I wrote:
> @everybody: the .htaccess solution works for my immediate need, but it is a
> bit selfish because it doesn't help anyone else.
> What follows is not specific to trackback spam, but is relevant to any kind
> of spam being propagated via compromised servers or computers.
> <strong class="must-understand" >
> The only thing needed for evil to win, is that good people do nothing.
> </strong>
> At first, all the trackback spam came from the same IP, but then they
> upgraded their software, so that each spam submission came from a different
> IP. Certainly, each of those IP correspond to a compromised Windows(TM)
> box, or a compromised web site (using a CMS minus security updates), don't
> they? (or do I misunderstand the way open relays can be used?)
> For now, I have successfully denied trackback spammers access to my site,
> but they are still free to spam the rest of the world.
> What bothered me the most about cpu usage, was that it was such a waste: it
> was not even helping the spammers who never got a single of their links
> published.
> Now, if my cpu power can be put to better uses, I don't mind the extra
> resources needed:
> is there a way to collect those IPs used by spammers, and share them among
> us, and with organizations fighting spam.
> The aim would be to get wormed or trojaned windows(TM) boxes (or
> compromised web sites) to upgrade to a safe version or shut down.
> If all Drupal web sites were collaborating on gathering useful data, and
> passing on this data to relevant organizations, we might collectively
> achieve something.
> One spam report against one IP might achieve nothing, but a concerted
> effort to systematically denounce bad IPs might force people to take
> positive actions.
> I really don't know how such a thing could be organized. One has to study
> first how organizations fighting spam and organizations setting up
> blacklists operate.
> Maybe the developers on this list have better, more concrete ideas...



which one do you prefer?

Because we and the world need to change.
Intimate Relationships, peace and harmony in the couple.

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