[development] theme/module name conflict

Ashraf Amayreh mistknight at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 22:41:18 UTC 2007

Hello all,

I ran into a very awkward bug today. I created a module and a theme for a
client, and naturally, this module contained customizations and the theme
was a custom made theme. I named the module and the theme with the client's
name. Let's say the client was named abc so I created an abc module and an
abc theme. When I implemented the abc_block hook I was surprised to find
that all blocks disappeared on all pages. Further investigation into the
core and I found that the culprit was the call to theme('block') which
mistakingly called abc_block thinking it was a theme override function
(rather than the hook it was).

I was wondering if this issue has been addressed before. I can think of
three possible solutions:
1. Make it a standard that no theme and module should be named the same
(weak solution)
2. Change all theme('block') calls to something else so no chance of
conflict could occur
3. Change the hook name so that it won't conflict with the theme call
4. Any suggestions???

Either 2 or 3 seem good enough to solve the problem. But I thought I'd gouge
some opinions before wasting time on a less-than-optimal patch.

Thanks :-)
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