[development] Theming documentation for developers

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Aug 9 12:54:16 UTC 2007

Quoting Earl Miles <merlin at logrus.com>:

> I finally got around to writing proper documentation for the new 
> theming system from the perspective of a module developer. This doc 
> has never really existed in the past and even with the simpler 
> theming system in Drupal 5 and previous, it probably should have, 
> since it helps to encourage best practices.
> Please see: http://drupal.org/node/165706

I'm wondering if adding http://drupal.org/node/508 to the "Dev 
references" menu might be of benefit to newbies.  There is a lot of 
information to consume and the more views to this type of information 
the user has the better. Follow up with http://drupal.org/node/165877.


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