[development] ASP Integration with Drupal?

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Wed Aug 15 21:02:32 UTC 2007

Op woensdag 15 augustus 2007, schreef Ron Dorman:
> A client wants to move an existing site to Drupal.
> The catch is that the existing site has two pages that are ASP. The ASP
> pages connect to a 3rd party hosted backoffice package and database.
> The clients current site is on a dedicated leased Win / IIS / Plesk
> Control Panel server. The Plesk package provides php 5.2 and MySQL 5 so
> I do not believe we will have any issues installing and running Drupal
> on the server.

Here is how I "integrated" a python system, and a Ruby 'app':

One approach: fopen()
 * put the asp pages on a localhost, or none-web-accessible place, then do a 
fopen(), optionally cache the result in the Drupal DB and print the result. 
Simple. Hackish but works in less then 10 minutes. 

Second approach: exec()
 * find out if asp has options to run over a CLI. php can do it, ruby, python 
and all the others too, so I gues (well, something tells me not to be to 
sure...) asp has something for this. FRom within php you exec() a local 
application, being the asp pages, optionally cache the result in the Drupal 
DB and print the result.
Less hackish and probably requires some changes to the ASP code.

> Does anyone know of any development, module, etc. that would allow us to
> integrate the ASP data into Drupal?
> Any other gotchas I should be looking for?

Drupal, Ruby on Rails and Joomla! development: webschuur.com | Drupal hosting: 
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