[development] upgrade jquery in D5

Gábor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Thu Dec 20 18:59:40 UTC 2007

On Dec 20, 2007 6:42 PM, Gregory 'guardian' Pakosz <guardian at pempek.net> wrote:
> > jQuery 1.2.1 is the most recent version of jQuery and it comes with
> > Drupal 6 (b4).  I am pretty sure Drupal 5.5 still ships with jQuery 1.0.4.
> out of curiosity, is there a plan out there so that drupal 6.x revisions
> get updated with new jquery releases ?
> or maybe jquery will try to avoid api breaks in the future ?

Drupal major versions like 5.x or 6.x will try hard not to break any
APIs be it JavaScript or PHP APIs, just as it has been in all the
years. Otherwise contributed modules would break. This is especially
important now that we have more JavaScript and more modules relying on
a certain API in jQuery.


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