[development] Profile module for D6

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Thu Feb 1 20:45:31 UTC 2007

Op donderdag 1 februari 2007 20:29, schreef Rowan Kerr:
> > Maybe it would make sense to let user profiles be cck nodes instead.
> > That would avoid a lot of code duplication.
> That's why I was asking. :) I think CCK makes a lot of sense for
> profile fields in the long run. Will CCK be in D6 core though?

There is an excellent aand working (yet rough on the egdes) project for this. 
It works in 4.7. Works well, but needs love to get the ruogh edges polished. 




As said: its fine for developers, but too rough for Joe Schmoe still. It is a 
very good start though, especially because it allows complex stuff (like the 
one I am working on now, LDAP profile integration) in rather easy ways: we 
have all the node hooks and apis... for free. 

Drupal, Ruby on Rails and Joomla! development: webschuur.com | Drupal hosting: 
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