[development] create patch form

Robert Douglass rob at robshouse.net
Wed Feb 7 17:27:39 UTC 2007

Boris Mann wrote:
> On 2/7/07, Robert Douglass <rob at robshouse.net> wrote:
>> This is actually a very good idea, imo. The best format for this would
>> be to select the drupal version and file that you've changed (or
>> multiple), upload the files, and then have the patch generated. I think
>> this could be done securely as long as the files didn't land in the web
>> directory. This would certainly be an invaluable service.
> I'm all for lowering barriers to entry. I wonder about the quality of
> code from such a system. Figuring out patch/diff and CVS is good for
> the soul, not to mention best practices of code development.
True. But I think we could get reasonable patches from such a system, 
and could do things like strip Windows line breaks, spaces at end of 
lines, and so forth. We could even run it through the code style script 
to preempt errors.

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