[development] TinyMCE Plus -- TinyMCE javascripts checked into CVS

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Thu Feb 15 18:53:01 UTC 2007

On 2/15/07, Khalid Baheyeldin <kb at 2bits.com> wrote:
> I really do not like the idea of different and conflicting versions of the
> same
> project being maintained in different releases by different teams.

You mean kind of like Drupal core is today?

> Either moxie becomes what tinymce was, and let drupal-id.com do his his
> thing with what is now tinymce and tinymce plus, or we talk him into
> focusing
> on one or the other of those latter two.

Did I mention Drupal-ID is out of the equation? In the end, there can
be only one (/cue Highlander theme music).

> This forking of the same project by release will only confuse users and will
> be a support nightmare.

But that's our problem as maintainers, not yours. Forking by project
is probably worse.

Note to other potential commenters: unless you are signing up to help
maintain TinyMCE, it's Allie, myself, Steve, and Kevin hashing this
out (publicly, no less :P).

Boris Mann
Vancouver 778-896-2747
San Francisco 415-367-3595
Skype borismann

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