[development] extract events for print publication based on start/end date with grouping

Tim Archambault tarchambault at bangordailynews.net
Mon Feb 26 21:15:43 UTC 2007

Looking to extract events (from default event module) based on a specific
taxonomy. In this case: "Arts & Entertainment" into a plain text view of the
BODY only. I don't want title, location information, dates, or other info,
just the BODY to display. I've all ready set the view to require admin

I've created a view called calendar_entertainment_print that selects the
correct taxonomy and displays proper nodes. Need help with a) limiting
results between a start and end date and b) formatting the results in plain
text with node BODY only, and c) group the calendar items by category
alphabetically (example below).

>From this view, an editor can cut and paste and massage this information

Thanks for any help. Here's an example of the output below.

Start cutting for pasting into Quark Express

Bangor - blah....blah....
Calais - blah...blah...

Bangor - Nappertandies playing at the Sea Dog Saturday, 7pm. 555-5555.
Ellsworth - Bad2theBone playing at the Music Hall Sunday, 5pm. 555-5555.

Brewer - Nutcracker at Brewer Middle School, Thursday, 7:30pm. $25.

End cutting for pasting into Quark Express
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