[development] Not releasing for 5: remove HEAD alltogether?

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 3 00:23:20 UTC 2007

Quoting Bèr Kessels <ber at webschuur.com>:

> Hi there.
> I maintain two projects that have better options alread in 4.7, I spent that
> cycle to phase them out and don't plan a release for 5.
> Should I remove the HEAD version from CVS? (cvs remove, so still accessible,
> for those interested)

IMO, should anyone care about it, whether or not to remove from CVS 
depends on the reasons for not moving to 5.0.  If the modules don't 
make sense for furture releases then yes I think they should be.  If it 
is just the case that you no longer care to maintain it then I think 
the HEAD README.txt should be modified to say so and that a new 
maintainer is welcome to take on the task of conversion.


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